Wednesday 26 October 2016

Ma Quennie Jill G. Auxtero
     Zone 1 Upper Bantiles Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City


Age: 25
Birth of date: March 29, 1991
Place of birth: Damilag, Manolo Fortich Bukidnon
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary School: Bugo Central School
Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City
Graduated: 2003-2004

Secondary School: Bugo National High School
Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City
Graduated: 2007-2008

Tertiary School: Bukidnon State University- MOGCHS External Studies Center
Address: Don. Apolinar Velez Street, Cagayan de Oro City
Graduated: 2014- 20015

Professional Education: Bukidnon State University- MOGCHS External Studies Center
Address: Don Apolinar, Velez St., Cagayan de Oro City
Graduated: 2016

 Work Experience:

On the Job Training ( OJT )
Department of Education Region X
Fr. Masterson Upper Balulang, Cagayan de Oro City
November - January 2015

Journey Towards Basic Education Curricular Reforms: 1946-2011

     "We draw an important distinction between assessing and evaluating. Assessing is gathering evidence of content knowledge and skills; evaluating is the case-by-case value judgement of the quality of performance". In this lesson I have learned that basic education is very important especially to those students who are on the preschool stage. Teachers are the one who will elaborate to the children how a basic education is to be taught. Back then the students will encounter the basic education for 10 (ten) years but now we have a new curriculum, the K-12 curriculum and they added 2 years on the basic education; which means that the basic education now 12 years in total.
         I realized that, basic education is important for the students, especially now that we have a new curriculum. DepEd is doing their best just to give a good education in this county. Though there are a lot of changes in the names of education but the value itself is just one.
           As a future teacher we must be aware on the educational system here in our country because we are in this profession to serve the Filipino people and to be a good citizen in this country. Basic education is the most important part of education and we must ensure that our children and students will undergo in this stage for them to have a better future.


Historical Development of the Philippine Educational System

   "That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history ha to teach". In this lesson I have learned that our history give a lot of development to the educational system of the Philippines. Our schools are supported by the government and so with the school of arts and trades, TESDA, and etc. They are the one who give finances to the school so that the certain school can stand and can give good education to the students who are willing to study. 
     I realized that we also have a lot of sponsors from the other countries, the United States of America and the Japanese. The also give part in giving things that will be used in the school like pencil, papers and etc. That would be a big help to them for helping us, even for a small help that would be a big help for the children who have big dreams.
     As a future teacher, we must tell our students our educational system and our history, for them to appreciate better the education here in our country. The efforts of our heroes and the previous reforms and innovations. We teachers should teach them the trace of the development of the Philippine educational system for them to be able them to appreciate the efforts of the teachers.
First Call for Children

    In this lesson I have learned that, the first call for children is the school. When they are still in early childhood they need to be in the school. That is why preschool teachers are there to teach those children. The right of the child to freedom of conscience religions shall be respected, as what they are respecting us adults.
    I realized that, every child has the inherent right o life and to live freely according to their age. They must be well take cared of by their parents and let them experience what really life is. Whether the child is mentally or physically disabled or not they should enjoy a full and decent life. In conditions which ensures dignity, self reliance and facilitate the child's active participation in the community.
    As a future teacher we teachers and parents are the one who are responsible in taking part of giving the child's needs. We have common responsibilities for upbringing and the development of the child. Parents or the legal guardians have the primary responsibility for the development of the child especially the attitude of the child. The best interest of the child will be their basic concerns.

Excerpts from The Family Code of the Philippines

      In this lesson I have learned that in a family respect to each other is present, we need to respect our parents and our children. Just like in the classroom we need to respect each other so that we can have peace inside. We are different from each other that is why respect is the key to have peaceful relationship. 
      I realized that being a teacher you also need to ask your students about their problems in their home. You need to know why that certain child is not going to school anymore, you are the one who will find out why. We don't know if that child is abused by their parents or relatives and that is the reason why he is not going to school anymore. There are a lot of cases like that here in our country.
      As a future teacher you need to be sensitive enough to your students. You need to give care to what is their problem and you will let them speak out with their problem.

Organizational Structure of the Department of Education Field Offices

     In this lesson I have learned that, Department of Education has a lot of field offices in which teachers give a lot of time studying for their major subject. They are allowed to have a lot of seminars about the subject that they handled and they are the one who will make test papers and other exams that the DepEd has.
      I realized that offices of DepEd is connected to the other parts of the Philippines and there are a lot of offices who will give their services to the people who need their help. 
       As a future teacher, we need to know the places where the connections of the DepEd for us to be informed. We are not just a teacher to teach we are also in this profession to be informed in those divisions of the Department of Education. 

Republic Act No. 4670
The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

“Education is an essential factor in the economic growth of the nation as a productive investment of vital importance”. In this lesson I have learned that Magna Carta for Public School Teachers focuses from the hiring of teachers until the organizations and enforcement. We can read here the policies, the recruitment career, hours of work, salaries, health benefits, leave and retirement benefits, organizations of teachers and etc. It is very useful for the teachers to read this because they can understand the policies and benefits of being a public school teacher. Teachers are freely to join any organizations and to use their benefits and leaves whenever there is a emergency in their homes.
I realized that the government is giving a lot of importance to the teachers and they also give good salaries. But now a days teachers can no longer budget their salary especially if you join into loans. The salary that will be left from your ATM is not enough to feed your family. That is why teachers are very hardworking but at the same time they are doing their best just to teach well their students.
As a future teacher, we should abide all the policies that our country have for the teachers. Stability of employment and security of tenure shall be assured the teachers as provided under our existing laws. The government should also give increase of salary to the teachers because we all know that this profession is not that easy. They should give a lot of importance to the teachers in the country, its may be a way of saying thank you with the service that they gave to the country.