Wednesday 26 October 2016

First Call for Children

    In this lesson I have learned that, the first call for children is the school. When they are still in early childhood they need to be in the school. That is why preschool teachers are there to teach those children. The right of the child to freedom of conscience religions shall be respected, as what they are respecting us adults.
    I realized that, every child has the inherent right o life and to live freely according to their age. They must be well take cared of by their parents and let them experience what really life is. Whether the child is mentally or physically disabled or not they should enjoy a full and decent life. In conditions which ensures dignity, self reliance and facilitate the child's active participation in the community.
    As a future teacher we teachers and parents are the one who are responsible in taking part of giving the child's needs. We have common responsibilities for upbringing and the development of the child. Parents or the legal guardians have the primary responsibility for the development of the child especially the attitude of the child. The best interest of the child will be their basic concerns.

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