Wednesday 26 October 2016

My Philosophy of Teaching

   Philosophy of teaching is very important in the field of teaching. There are seven types of philosophies but following some of them will surely lead me to a good teaching. Essentialism, this philosophy is good for the children, because they will acquire the basic knowledge, skills and values in life. They will learn how to read, write, count numbers and etc. In this philosophy students will master the academic content of the school, teachers will also rely on the textbooks that is prescribed to the students.
     Next is the Existentialism, this can help the students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals. Students will also know how to accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and their actions. This can also help them to expose to various paths they take in their life and by creating a environment in which they can choose freely of what they want on their own. I think with choosing those philosophies I can be a better teacher in teaching my students, I will not aim as a very good teacher because we are not perfect in this world. 

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