Wednesday 26 October 2016

Becoming how a Teacher a Teacher

     There are a lot of expectations from you if you are a Teacher. People see you as a very respected person, very approachable, has good grades, good attitude, kind and etc. But being a teacher is not a easy job, it may not be the profitable position, it cannot guarantee financial security to your family. 
      Sometimes it came into the point that you will invest your time, energy, money, and resources. Sometimes it can give you disappointments, heartaches, and pains. But being there for your students, by touching their hearts, opening their minds and by seeing them happy because of you they gain a lot of knowledge. It is the priceless emotion that a teacher may feel, it can give you joy and contentment with the field you've chosen. 
      They say that teaching is the noblest profession; yes it is. Its the highest position that a person may have, because without a teacher there will be no other professionals like Doctors, Engineers, Nurses and etc. This is the humblest profession, it may be so tiring but at the end of the day you will feel full filled every time your students will say "thank you teacher". That is why becoming a teacher is not a easy job.
      These are the reasons why I choose to teach, and that is because of the children who have big dreams and who are aiming for a success. Its when you hear them say "thank you, because of you I didn't give up" maybe to some we are just a teacher but for our students we are their hero. These are the moments why I choose to teach, and these are the moments I lived for.

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